DC3 Operating Status
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DC3's Weather Line: 410-981-1120


OPM Status: DC3 does NOT follow the OPM adverse weather guidance as the OPM-NCR announcements target agencies inside the "Washington Capital Beltway". Instead, DC3 follows the NSA operating status, due to the close proximity of our facilities.

EARLY RELEASE: An early release may be announced when driving conditions within the DC3 commuting area are forecasted to be hazardous. Personnel and Academy students will be released from duty in time to avoid the hazardous travel conditions.

DELAYED ARRIVAL: A delayed arrival is authorized when roads in the commuting area are hazardous and employees are authorized additional time to safely commute from home to the workplace. Delayed arrival is based on the employee’s normal commuting time. For example, when a two-hour delayed arrival is announced, an employee with a normal 0730 start time would be required to arrive by 0930. Civilian and Military employees will be granted up to two hours excused absence (LV). Contractor employees must use PTO or make arrangements to make up the hours lost.

Academy students shall be granted up to two hours to arrive to classes. For example, if a class begins at 0730, the student shall have until 0930 to arrive, based on commuting conditions.

DELAYED OPENING: A delayed opening is announced when roads and parking lots at DC3 buildings are deemed very hazardous and snow removal operations require additional time to make travel as safe as possible. A specific time of arrival will be announced and employees and Academy students should not report to work until the scheduled time of arrival.

For example, when a 1000 opening is announced, an employee or Academy student who normally starts at 0730 should not arrive until 1000. Civilian and Military employees will be granted administrative leave (LV) for the period of work they missed between their normal scheduled arrival time and the time of the delayed opening. Contractor employees must use PTO or make arrangements to make up the hours lost.

CLOSED: A closure is announced when conditions for travel are deemed too hazardous. Contractor employees must use PTO or make arrangements to make up the hours lost. In most cases, the Contract Leadership will provide alternative dates to make up time lost due to facility closure. Please check with your company’s policy for guidance.

There may be times, due to technical issues, that the DC3 website cannot be updated in a timely manner. However, the DC3 Operating Status will also be available through the following additional resources: