Defense Industrial Base Collaborative Information Sharing Environment Overview

DoD–Defense Industrial Base Collaborative Information Sharing Environment (DCISE)—DCISE, the operational hub of DoD’s Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Program, safeguards intellectual property and DoD content on unclassified contractor networks.

It facilitates public-private cyber threat information sharing, offers no-cost Cybersecurity-as-a-Service capabilities, and collaboration events with government/industry collaboration events. DC3 DCISE provides threat analysis, mitigation strategies, best practices, and exchanges for DIB participants of all sizes.

DC3 DCISE is the designated recipient for reporting DIB cyber incident reports as required by 10 U.S. Code Sections 391 and 393 and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 252.204-7012. While reports under the DFARS clause are mandatory, additional cyber DIB activity is reported on a voluntary basis.

  • Collaborative partnership with over 1,100 Defense Contractors (DC) and US Government (USG) agency stakeholders
  • Distributes a substantial number of actionable, non-attributable indicators daily
  • Offers no-cost forensics, malware analysis, and cybersecurity services for DIB Partners
  • Shares a significant number of cyber threat reports (hundreds annually) for both DIB and USG consumption (DIB Partners may access DC3 DCISE reporting via their DIBNET accounts and USG members can access via SIPRNet Intelshare)
  • Operates 24/7/365 DC3 DCISE support hotline (1-877-838-2174) to assist submitters and DIB and USG Partners
  • Rated as Capability Maturity Model Integration for Services (CMMI-SVC) Maturity Level 3
DCISE Info Graphic
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If you are a Defense Contractor and interested in joining the DIB CS Program, please click here to go to the DIB Cyber Incident Reporting & Cyber Threat Information Sharing portal to apply.

DIBNet Portal

DoD’s gateway for defense contractor reporting and voluntary participation in DoD’s DIB Cybersecurity Program.

DIB Tech Talks

DCISE Services

Technical Exchanges

DCISE personnel are available to meet with industry partners and government stakeholders to share insight on handling intrusion-related activity.

DIB Technical Teleconferences

DIB partners and DCISE analysts have unclassified discussions on adversary techniques and targeted networks.

DIB Network

DIBNet is the DoD's network for online incident reporting and access to DCISE threat products.

Analyst-to-Analyst Meetings

Private DIB Analyst-to-Analyst (A2A) meetings are hosted by DCISE at DC3, discussing tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by advanced persistent threat (APT) actors.

Threat Products

DCISE cyber threat products assist partners in strengthening security and protecting controlled unclassified information on DIB networks.

DCISE Capabilities
DC3 DCISE specializes in cyber activity analysis to understand cyber threats to unclassified DoD information
on DIB systems and networks. This includes daily incident report processing, malware analysis, and engagement
with partners to gather necessary information. Additionally, it conducts mid- to long-term analysis, producing
threat reports and analyses for the DIB, including sharing downgraded classified information. DC3 DCISE
produces technical analysis products and collaborates with USG agencies to ensure a whole-of-government
approach to DIB cyber threats.

DC3 DCISE researches and provides cybersecurity services to DIB Partners, adapting to the evolving
cybersecurity landscape. This involves evaluating cybersecurity resilience, performing vulnerability testing
for DIB partners, and evaluating cybersecurity technologies through pilots. Insights from these activities
are shared to facilitate rapid cyber threat exchange between DoD and the DIB Partnership.

DC3 DCISE handles DIB Partner services, outreach, metrics, and process improvement. We value strong
customer relationships supported by user-friendly onboarding, information sharing events, and 24/7
responsiveness. Our team coordinates resources and functions to align with long-term plans, driving continual
process improvement.