DC3 Capabilities and Services
Cyber Forensics Laboratory (CFL)

CFL Mission

The Cyber Forensics Laboratory (CFL) is a world-class facility providing comprehensive analysis of digital evidence. CFL delivers digital and multimedia (D/MM) evidence processing, forensic examinations, and expert testimony for any DoD Agency requiring investigative support.

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Cyber Training Academy (CTA)

CTA Mission

The DC3 Cyber Training Academy (CTA) provides in-residence and online training to DoD elements that protect DoD information systems from unauthorized use, criminal, fraudulent, and foreign intelligence activities.

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Information Technology (XT)

TSD Mission

Information Technology (XT) is the research, development, test, and evaluation component of DC3. Information Technology supports DC3 mission areas and external partners with tools and techniques tailored to meet the specific requirements of digital forensic examiners and cyber intrusion analysts.

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Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP)

VDP Mission

The DoD Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) leverages the intellectual capital of private-sector cyber security researchers to identify vulnerabilities on the DoD Information Network (DoDIN) in order to improve network defenses and enhance mission assurance.

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Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Collaborative Information Sharing Environment (DCISE)

DCISE Mission

Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Collaborative Information Sharing Environment (DCISE) works with private industry to protect critical programs, assets, and technology information residing on or transiting DIB controlled unclassified networks.

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Operations Enablement (OE)

OED Mission

The DC3's Operations Enablement (OE) mission and principal focus is to amplify the effects of DoD-wide Law Enforcement and Counterintelligence (LE/CI) investigations and operations, and by extension, the effects of the U.S. Intelligence Community at large.

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