DC3 Mission

A Federal Cyber Center that delivers innovative capabilities and expertise to enable and inform law enforcement,
cybersecurity, and national security partners.

What We Do

DC3 offers a range of integrated services, including cyber training, digital and multimedia forensics, vulnerability disclosure,
cybersecurity support to the Defense Industrial Base, analysis and operational enablement, and advanced technical solutions and capabilities.

Vulnerability Disclosure

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DIB VDP Program

Press Release    DIB-VDP Myte Byte   

 DIB-VDP Information Sheet (PDF)     Download Summit Slides for Website (PPT)
About Us

The defense Industrial Base Vulnerability


Safe Harbor

Support, not tattle. Safe Harbor guaranteed.

100% Free

The program is completely free for participants.


Designed for ease of use and streamlined operations.

Common Questions

Are companies still protected under anonymity?


Is there any contractual agreement with a thrid-party crowd sourced program?


How successful was the initial DIB-VDP Pilot?

Throughout a 12-month period, the DIB-VDP Pilot enrolled 41 companies, and 103 vulnerabilities were reported to the DIB system owners.

Can my company participate?

Define Industrial Base companies are welcome

Quick Links

Questions QR Code Our History QR Code Sign Up QR Code
Contact Us

Onboarding Instructions:

1. Please fill out the Participation Request Form and return to AFOSI.DC3.DIB-VDP@us.af.mil. As the DIB-VDP team works through your Participation Request Form please feel free to proceed with step 2.
2. Select and download DIB-VDP Enrollment folder (zip file)
3. Please complete the forms provided within the Enrollment folder. If your company needs assistance please contact us at AFOSI.DC3.DIB-VDP@us.af.mil
4. After completing the form, please email the forms back to AFOSI.DC3.DIB-VDP@us.af.mil
Photograph of Executive Director

Mr. Lesley Bernys

Department of Defense

Cyber Crime Center (DC3)
Executive Director

Biographies of Senior DoD DC3 Officials

Photograph of Mr. Joshua Black

Mr. Joshua Black

Department of Defense
Deputy Director

Photograph of Mr. Lam Nguyen

Mr. Lam Nguyen

Department of Defense
Chief Scientist (ST)

DC3 Organizational Chart

Organization Chart August 2024

DC3 Executive Communications

If you have any questions, please contact Cyber Forensics Laboratory Customer Support at afosi.dc3.cflintake@us.af.mil.

Does my institution qualify for CDFAE designation?

The CDFAE program offers designations to accredited, non-profit, academic programs that confer a digital forensics-related degree. To receive CDFAE designation, an institution's accredited academic program must map courses against a common core curriculum.

Why should my institution pursue CDFAE designation?

The United States is in a cybersecurity workforce deficit. More than ever, organizations need to plan for the future as significant shifts in cyber operations accelerate globally. Digital forensics skill sets provide crosscutting application to multiple fields.

In its strictest connotation, digital forensics is the application of computer science and investigative procedures involving the examination of digital evidence, including proper search authority, chain of custody, validation with mathematics, use of validated tools, repeatability, reporting, and expert testimony.

Beyond traditional legal purposes, the same techniques, scientific rigor, and procedural precision now support the range of military operations and course of action (examples: computer network operations and counterintelligence objectives).

CDFAE serves as a prime avenue for cultivating leaders to meet evolving objectives across the digital forensics and cyber communities, as it is vital to protect, investigate, and serve public, private, and national goals.

What are the benefits to the students?

Military Students: Earn college credits for completed DC3 Cyber Training Academy courses

Civilian Students: Earn DoD certifications after graduation and hired within DoD and Federal government

Students who complete the program will:

  • Have a DoD-recognized skill set and awareness of current issues facing digital forensics investigators and examiners.
  • Be valued for their highly desirable and unique skill sets.
  • Be capable of using current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for digital forensic examination of digital media, files, operating systems, devices, networks, and applications for discovery and recovery of evidence.
  • Have the aptitude to design, implement, and evaluate a system, process, component, or program to meet digital forensic needs.
  • Appreciate professional, ethical, legal, security, social, and continuing education and development responsibilities.

Step 4



Note: If you encounter any issues downloading or viewing the forms below (such as a "Please wait..." page), follow the instructions here to change your browser settings.

Important Information: You may need to right-click the link and select "Save Link As..." to download the file.
For guidance and assistance with forms please contact Cyber Forensics Laboratory Customer Support & Intake at 410-981-0310
or DSN 622-2595 or email afosi.dc3.cflintake@us.af.mil

  Litigation Support Request Form

Executive Communications

Stay updated with the latest executive-level updates from DoD DC3.

Cyber Training Academy Communications

Learn about the latest developments and opportunities at the Cyber Training Academy.

DIB Cybersecurity

Discover the latest news and insights from DIB Cybersecurity.

Cyber Forensics Laboratory Communications

Stay informed about the latest advancements in cyber forensics.

Judge Advocate Communications

Keep up with the latest legal updates and insights from our team.

Operations Enablement Communications

Explore updates focused on enabling efficient operations across DoD DC3.

Information Technology Communications

Stay ahead with the latest updates in IT from DoD DC3.

Vulnerability Disclosure Communications

Learn about the latest developments in the Vulnerability Disclosure Program.